with Wookiee Warrior

(Revenge of the Sith)

Year: 2005

Assortment: Battle Vehicles

Retail: $14.99

Assortment Number: 85637/85194

UPC Number: 5356905505

Weapons and Accessories:

  • Wookiee Warrior figure
  • Firing Missile Launcher
  • Missile
  • Flapping "Flying" Action
  • Comments: Wookiee warriors use their special assault flyers in battle to attack the enemy from above. Swift and highly maneuverable, the assault flyers swoop down to launch a powerful strike on invading ground forces. Take to the skies with the Wookiees and let the battle begin!

    Roll your mouse over the image above to flap the wings.

    Points of Interest:
  • The Wookiee Warrior is unique to this set.
  • Photography by Dan Curto

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