Hasbro Canada supplied their market with virtually every item found in the United States Revenge Of The Sith line. For the most part, the items sold in Canada featured tri-logo packaging, but there were some exceptions. Below is a complete photo archive of every item packaged in the tri-logo packaging for sale in Canada.

Interesting, the initial release of the second collection featured the same stickers as their American counterparts. of the 62 basic single carded figures available to Canadians, only 16 featured the stickers. Of all the paint variations available in the US, only 5 were sold in Canada, 6 if you include the ROTS #2 Anakin Skywalker with the Dooku lightsaber.

Items sold in Canada in American (single language) packaging included: All the 12" figures, TRU exclusive Holographic Yoda, TRU exclusive Holographic Emperor, Assault On Hoth Battle Pack, Imperial Throne Room Battle Pack, Jedi Vs Separatists Battle Pack, all three Evolutions sets, all Attacktix, Yoda Electronic Lightsaber, Clone Trooper Blaster, General Grievous' Blaster, and Call Upon Yoda.

III-01: Obi-Wan Kenobi III-02: Anakin Skywalker III-02: Anakin Skywalker III-03: Yoda
III-04: Super Battle Droid III-05: Chewbacca III-06: Clone Trooper III-07: R2-D2
III-08: Grievous's Bodyguard III-09: General Grievous III-10: Mace Windu III-11: Darth Vader
III-12: Emperor Palpatine III-13: Count Dooku III-14: Chancellor Palpatine III-15: Bail Organa
III-16: Plo Koon III-17: Battle Droid III-18: C-3PO III-19: Padmé
III-20: Agen Kolar III-21: Shaak Ti III-22: Kit Fisto III-23: Royal Guard
III-23: Royal Guard III-24: Mon Mothma III-25: Tarfful III-26: Yoda
III-27: Obi-Wan Kenobi III-28: Anakin Skywalker III-29: Ki-Adi-Mundi III-30: Saesee Tiin
III-31: Luminara Unduli III-32: Aayla Secura III-33: Clone Commander III-34: Clone Pilot
III-35: Palpatine III-36: General Grievous III-37: Vader's Medical Droid III-38: AT-TE Gunner
III-39: Polis Massan III-40: Mas Amedda III-41: Clone Trooper III-42: Neimoidian Warrior
III-43: Wookiee Warrior III-44: Destroyer Droid III-45: Tarkin III-46: Ask Aak
III-47: Meena Tillis III-48: R2-D2 III-49: Commander Bacarra III-50: Anakin Skywalker
III-51: Captain Antilles III-52: Zett Jukassa III-53: Utapaun Warrior III-54: Turbo Tank Driver
III-55: Obi-Wan Kenobi III-56: Mustafar Sentry
III-13: Count Dooku III-14: Chancellor Palpatine III-15: Bail Organa III-16: Plo Koon
III-17: Battle Droid III-18: C-3PO III-19: Padmé III-20: Agen Kolar
III-21: Shaak Ti III-22: Kit Fisto III-23: Royal Guard III-24: Mon Mothma
III-29: Ki-Adi-Mundi III-30: Saesee Tiin III-31: Luminara Unduli III-32: Aayla Secura
III-06: Shocktrooper III-33: Green Clone Commander III-34: Black Clone Pilot III-28: Sith Eyes Anakin Skywalker
III-43: Brown Wookiee Warrior
Deluxe Anakin Skywalker Deluxe General Grievous Deluxe Obi-Wan Kenobi Deluxe Palpatine
Deluxe Clone Trooper Deluxe Darth Vader Deluxe Vulture Droid Deluxe Yoda
AT-RT BARC Speeder Boga Wookiee Flyer
Anakin's Jedi Starfighter Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter Droid Tri-Fighter Grievous' Wheel Bike
ARC-170 Fighter Republic Gunship
Ultimate Lightsaber kit Ultimate Lightsaber kit Darth Vader Voice Changer Wookiee Water Blaster
Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader Lightsaber Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader Lightsaber Count Dooku Lightsaber Count Dooku Lightsaber
Mace Windu Lightsaber Mace Windu Lightsaber Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber
Battle Arena: Dookue Vs. Anakin Battle Arena: Bodyguard Vs. Obi-Wan Battle Arena: Sidious Vs. Mace Lightsaber Action Set
Lightsaber Battle Game
Force Battlers Anakin Skywalker Force Battlers Darth Vader Force Battlers general Grievous Force Battlers Obi-Wan Kenobi
Jedi Force Anakin Skywalker with Rescue Glider Jedi Force Chewbacca with Wookiee Action Tool Jedi Force C-3PO and R2-D2 Jedi Force Luke Skywalker with Jedi Jet Pack
Jedi Force Darth Vader with Imperial Claw Droid Jedi Force Yoda with Swamp Stomper
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader Anakin Skywalker and Count Dooku Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous Emperor Palpatine and Yoda
Skiff Guard and Lando Calrissian Super Battle Droid and R2-D2 Kit Fisto and Mace Windu Chewbacca and Clone Trooper
Collection I Cardback Collection II Cardback Cardback Deluxe Cardback
Force Battlers Cardback Deluxe Cardback Jedi Force Cardback

Photography by Dave Myatt

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