Source: A New Hope

Year: 2007

Assortment: 3" Vehicles

Retail: $4.99

Date Stamp: 2006


  • Display Stand
  • native To: Tatooine
    Type: Cold-Blooded Omnivore
    Function: Mount or Beast of Burden
    Size: 1.8 Meters Long
    Predators: Krayt Dragons
    Breeding Ground: Jundland Wastes
    Comments: Few creatures, and even few machines, can withstand the scorching temperatures and harsh, wind-driven sands of the deep Tatooine desert. Yet dewback lizards not only live, but thrive in the desert, hunting during the day and stretching out along the surface of the sands at night to absorb the last of the day's heat. The local Imperial garrison uses domesticated dewbacks as mounts in order to save more high-tech vehicles from the harsh conditions.

    Points of Interest:
  • Photography by Dan Curto

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