A Guide to the Star Wars Universe
December 1984

Publisher: Del Rey
Author: Raymond L. Velasco
Cover Artist:

Cover Price: $2.95
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0-345-31920-6 - 1st

From Alderaan to Yavin and a myriad of fantastic worlds before and between—this is the one indispensable guide to the characters, places, and things brought to life by George Lucas.

Characters: Organic and Metallic
From Artoo-Detoo to Salacious Crumb—all the heroes you cheered...and all the villains you love to gate.

Places: Havens and Otherwise
Anoat System, Hoth, Mos Eisley, Stars' End, Yavin—the landscapes, skies, and vistas that are backdrops to Mankind's biggest saga.

Things: Useful and not
Chrysopaz, hydrospanner, Krayt Dragions, and Rancors.

Here is the key to a story that began long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away...