A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, 2nd Edition
March 1994

Publisher: Del Rey
Author: Bill Slavicsek
Cover Artist: Ralph McQuarrie

Cover Price: $10.00
Media: Softcover
ISBN: 0-345-38625-6 - 2nd

•Who or what is Salacious Crumb? •When were Spaarti cloning cylinders developed, and why did it take a year to grow a healthy clone? •What is stored within the ancient artifact called the Jedi Holocron? •Who owned the Millennium Falcon before Han Solo, and how did it change hands? •What is otherspace? •What was Grand Admiral Thrawn's objectives in the battle of Sluis Van?

Looking for facts about the characters, armaments, starships, planets alien species, or battles in the most exciting adventure of them all? You'll find the whole universe of Star Wars covered here:

•The original Star Wars movies
•Novels—from Star Wars to The Last Command
•TV movies and TV specials
•The animated TV series "Droids" and "Ewoks"
•National Public Radio dramatization
•Young Adult novels
•The Dark Empire comic books
•Role-playing games
...plus sourcebooks, storybooks, sketchbooks, portfolios, and more!

This second edition is revised and expanded, with 50% new material. It will become your one and only guide to the events of a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...