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Posted by Jobi-Wan on January 8, 2024 at 08:51 AM CST
I'm no Jedi, Rebel Scum! Check out Nick's review of the Gentle Giant LTD Vintage Jumbo Ahsoka Tano! A big thanks goes out to Gentle Giant/DST for sending this release to us. There are a couple of design choice differences in this Jumbo version and Hasbro's Vintage Collection, but we've got to give the overall award to Gentle Giant for this one. Some great attention to detail while still playing in the minimalist Vintage sandbox.
What do you think Rebel Scum? If you had to pick a winner in the Vintage Jumbo vs. Retro Collection Ahsoka face off, which do you think looks better? What are some other progams/panels you'd like to see at Rebel Scum Con? Let us know in the forums!
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