Posted by Curto on July 14, 2006 at 03:40 PM CST
As part of Hasbro's new weekly Q&A session, Rebelscum passed on 3 of your burning questions and now we've got the answers for you.

Since last week was a holiday week (in the US), the session was postponed. So essentially, we're a week behind schedule. There won't be a Q&A session for the next 2 weeks due to Comic-Con. Howevere, there will still be plenty of news...because Hasbro will be having a live Q&A session on Friday July 21st.

After Comic-Con, we'll get back on track and get a double-dose from Hasbro. But for now, here's the answers you've been waiting for...

Rebelscum: Back towards the end of the vintage line, there were plans for a line of Star Wars toys that were not based on the films, but rather all-new adventures and designs (see The Star Wars Collectors Archive for details). Would you ever consider revisting this line with new sculpts and accessories? Or perhaps develop something new along these lines that's unique and original, yet still in the Star Wars style?

Hasbro: Interesting idea, but the answer is probably "no" unless those ideas have been brought into the EU somewhere. The only places we're really planning to explore outside of the six films and Clone Wars is the EU and the upcoming TV.

Rebelscum: It's interesting to see the number of characters from the Expanded Universe make the top 25 in the current Fan's Choice Figure poll. The fact that 5 characters alone were from Knights of the Old Republic clearly suggests one thing...FANS WANT KOTOR FIGURES!

Without revealing the winner of the poll or even naming any specific characters (I realize that a lot is being kept secret until after Comic-Con), will there ever be any figures from KOTOR?

Hasbro: Thanks for understanding that we're keeping the results of the Fan's Choice vote under wraps until Toy Fare has the opportunity to break the news. What we can say is that the Expanded Universe will be an important part of the line in 2007.
Dan's Note: Obviously, this was written before the winners were announced earlier this week.

Rebelscum: We've seen Star Wars Transformers, Star Wars Potato Heads, Star Wars Play-Doh, Star Wars Koosh, Star Wars Tonka, Star Wars Operation (just kidding)...what other Hasbro toy line will Star Wars be smooshed with next?

Hasbro: Look for Star Wars CandyLand on shelves soon. Just kidding.

There are no more lined up for the foreseeable future for the toys group, but games may have more ideas. We'll talk about those when the time is right but now it's too early.

Got any burning Star Wars questions you need answered straight from the source? If so, post your questions in this thread in our forums, and with any luck, you'll get your answers next week!
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