Posted by Curto on November 11, 2010 at 09:00 AM CST
It's time once again to review another wave of Hasbro's The Clone Wars action figures!

If you are wondering whatever happened to a review of wave 3...much like wave 1, Hasbro has once again brought back back select "Greatest Hits" of the main characters from previous releases. As a result, "wave 3" is 8 "Greatest Hits" figures that will not be reviewed here, as there are no major changes to the figures from previous releases.

Note that another "Greatest Hits" figure is included in this wave: Commander Gree. Since it's a repack, it is not reviewed here.

Galactic Battle Game
This year's pack-in gimmick continues in this wave with Battle Card, Battle Stands, and Battle Dice.

"Free" Sgt. Bric & Battle Mat Offer
The Clone Wars line offers a "free" Sgt. Bric figure with Battle Mat also continues: by sending in 5 UPCs, the official certificate, and a check or money order for $6.99, you can get a Sgt. Bric figure and a Battle Mat so your figures have someplace to play the Galactic Battle Game!

Now, onto the figures themselves!

CW20: Mace Windu:
Mace WinduThe revered Jedi Master gets his second action figure for this line, and it is a MAJOR overhaul!

Kudos to Hasbro for not only giving Mace new legs with extra points of articulation (and losing the action feature), but also adding a well-designed soft goods skirt that really helps to create some very dynamic poses. The ball-hinged hips and cross-hinged ankles provides a lot of articulation without sacrificing the look of the figure.

As an added bonus, Mace also comes with Jango Fett's helmet, which has been rigged to explode with a bomb hidden inside. This makes this version of Mace the perfect companion to The Rise of Boba Fett set.
Mace Windu Mace Windu

CW22: Battle Droid Commander:
Battle Droid CommanderA much-requested repaint, the Battle Droid Commander is based on OOM-9 from The Phantom Menace...although as seen throughout the series, there are many droids with this deco. If you ahve an army of Battle Droids already, then you're sure to need someone to boss them around, right?

There is a new accessory included with this figure...macrobinoculars that seems to attach to the side of the blaster? Strange, but true...
Battle Droid Commander Battle Droid Commander

CW23: Kit Fisto:
Kit FistoHere's another Jedi figure thatMs been upgraded from the previous release. Much like Mace, Kit Fisto includes a soft goods skirt and new legs with added articulation for added poseability. Unlike Mace, it does not go AS far with the articulation. It's not really needed, but that would have been nice. The new head sculpt is a nice touch, as it includes Kit famous smile.

As for accessories, Kit includes 2 lightsabers...including one belonging to his fallen padawan Nahdar Vebb.
Kit Fisto Kit Fisto

CW24: ARF Trooper (Jungle Camo):
ARF Trooper (Jungle Camo)Here's the inevitable repaint of last year's ARF Trooper you pretty much know what to expect already...especially since the clean armor version is included in wave ...!

But you can NEVER have too many clones, right? With each new episode in this series, there are numerous clone troopers introduced...and fans just can't get enough for their action figure armies!
ARF Trooper (Jungle Camo) ARF Trooper (Jungle Camo)

Stay tuned for more updates later this week on the official Facebook page as I head back into the studio to take more photos of this fourth wave from The Clone Wars!
Related Articles
November 12, 2010  Hasbro's The Clone Wars 2010 Wave 5 Review
November 10, 2010  Hasbro's The Clone Wars 2010 Wave 2 Review