Posted by Mark on December 14, 2005 at 04:50 PM CST

Questions for December 14, 2005
Q&A Archive

How come baby Leia has her eyes open and baby Luke does not in the Separation of the Twins two pack? Also, I nominate the Neimoidian Warrior for peg warmer of the year. -Chuck

Obviously this was done to explain why Leia remembers her mother in Return of the Jedi and Luke does not… he had is eyes closed. Okay, maybe not, but if Lucas can't maintain the continuity I suppose Hasbro has to at least try. Actually it was probably just done to set the two apart and detract from the fact that Hasbro used the same mold for both figu… accessories. I guess they are twins after all.

Yeah, definitely, the Neimoidian Warrior was the biggest turkey of the year. I suppose we should be happy, at least it wasn't Jar Jar…

I am noticing a lot of figures being put back into circulation. I am seeing more Royal Guard, Tarkin, and even C-3PO. Now, I know it warmed pegs for a couple months, but no it cannot be found (around me any way), and that figure is, (pregnant) Padmé. This is a major character, and her ONLY figure in this line. Do you know if there are any plans for this to be put back out? It is getting close to the end run for ROTS figures, and that start for the Saga Collection. Should I wait a bit, or go pay higher $$ on eBay? -Matt Links (Toledo, OH)

More Padmé figures have started to show up in the last few days, several of my local Targets have each had three or four on the pegs. Depending on where you're located, this assortment is probably on its way to your area, if it hasn't turned up already. Even if you haven't found it yet, considering the holidays I would wait on this figure. There's an excellent chance it will turn up again at retail before all is said and done. It would be a shame to pay more for it now at auction, and then have it turn up within the next few days…

What do you think the chances are of seeing another series of "Beast Assortment" style 3¾" toys? I'm thinking specifically of a Lava-flea and rider and a Felucia ground-beetle with clone-rider. While we're at it, a new Dewback with a better Sandtrooper would be nice too…

I'd say the chances are slim to none right about now. As cool as it was, Hasbro really struggled with the Beast Assortment, especially with the Episode I beasts. Without a movie to support the line, I have a feeling it was a bad enough experience to turn Hasbro away from it for a good long time. There's always a chance we could see some previously offered beasts repackaged, but like the vehicles I have a hard time seeing Hasbro spend the dough for any new creatures, particularly ones that had little or no screen time to mention. An updated Dewback would be cool (Bantha and Rancor too…), one with sound effects and a Super-A Sandtrooper, but there's really been no indication Hasbro is even considering such a thing.

I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. I know that Celebration II had an exclusive figure (Jorg Sacul) and Celebration III had the Vader exclusive figure, but did Celebration I have an exclusive figure? -Victor Wolford (Louisville, KY USA)

I know they had some exclusive goodies at Celebration I, but an action figure was not one of them.

Ok why is Hasbro seemingly so against making action figure versions of young Owen and Beru? You could argue that they aren't main enough to deserve sculptings but come on, how many minor aliens have been made now? I was excited when I saw the Separation of the Twins figures for a second cause I thought that was an Owen with baby Luke, but OH NO! It's ANOTHER Obi-Wan. Enough Obi's and Stormtrooper variants already lol. But seriously, will Hasbro ever make these two?

Why they haven't been made is fairly simple, they just aren't exciting enough for a boy's toy line. Granted they are fan favorites, but when you think 'exciting' or 'strange' Star Wars action figures, they just don't jump out at you. Will they ever be made…? Maybe. Rumor has it that a Lar's homestead Screen Scene may have been in the works at one point. If the set ever got off the drawing board, Hasbro may have some work done on these figures. If Hasbro's put money into tooling for these figures, odds are they would at least try to squeeze them in at some point to recoup that cost. When that will be is anyone's guess, but so far it doesn't look like it will be next year.

Why are there two different coloured holograms in the 3¾" line? Why are some molds blue whilst others are purple like Aalya Secura to Princess Leia?

Good question… For lack of an official answer I'd guess Hasbro wasn't all that happy with the look of the purplish figures and changed things up for the Plo Koon and Aalya Secura holograms. Question is will this be the 'norm' going forward? While they could lighten the blue just a touch, the figures look much better than the purple holograms, especially on a lighted base. I think I've said before how much I like the idea of these figures over the Silver Edition exclusives, but I genuinely hope Hasbro maintains a certain consistency if they plan on having more of these in the line.

Will there be any 12-inch dolls next year? Yakface the Jabba's Palace character will he be re-released next year?

Sideshow Collectibles will offer a line of 12-inch collectible figures next year, the Hasbro line has been dropped from their offerings.

Yakface re-release: No word on a Yakface (Saelt-Marae) re-release, but it's pretty obvious the figure deserves a decent upgrade. I think if Hasbro saw their way clear to an OTC/Saga Collection style repaint most fans would be happy, I for one would at least like to see a new head sculpt and a little more articulation. Still, no word, but there's always hope for the future…

When SW: Unleashed comes back, what are the chances of seeing some TRUE EU stuff? How about Mara Jade, or Dark Troopers, or some NJO stuff? OH!!! Who wouldn't want an HK-47?! There is so much more to do with cannon characters, like Lando a Scout Trooper (with dead Ewok) and Zuckus, each coming with a piece for a mega snap-together character, like Jabba the Hutt or a Rancor. But I also was to see the EU's heavy hand in the restart of this line. -Sam Ford

Well, they did do Asajj Ventress, but then again Asajj didn't do all that well at retail… Major peg warmer that one was. Considering the line is "being brought back" from near cancellation, I doubt Hasbro feels they have the luxury of including many EU characters in the line. Frankly I'd rather see them concentrate on more film characters before diving into the EU again. The Scout Trooper is a good one, Plo Koon, Dengar, and Kit Fisto stand out in my mind, and I still think a sculpt of Luke and Leia from the ANH Style A poster is a sure winner. We'll just have to wait and see which new figures Hasbro adds to this line next year, but my gut tells me until the line proves itself at retail, there's just not enough room for the EU.

Why is Hasbro making it so hard for collectors like myself to get all the Attacktix figures from the Booster packs, without buying multiple packs just to be disappointed with the three inside, I already have. I must admit, on a few occasions I have opened some packs and swapped the figures I needed into another pack, but Hasbro wants us to go on the hunt I guess to get all 34 figures from Series 1 (minus the #35 Clone Sergeant, Battle Case), in hopes of selling more of these Booster Packs, am I right? I need six more from Series 1 (1 rare, and 5 Super rare), and I have had no luck, and as of right now, I can only find Series 2 on the pegs, so my main question is, Will Hasbro perhaps place some Series 1 figures in with Series 2 Booster Packs, or will they perhaps produce a mega pack consisting of all 34 figures from Series 1, and throw in #35 Clone Sergeant as a bonus? I just wish they would state on the box who's inside, but since their randomly packed, I guess that's impossible. -Tim

Hasbro's approach on their Attacktix line is basically "build your army" first, complete your collection second. It's a game; Hasbro wants it to be a game, not necessarily a collection, and anyone who chooses to collect these figures has to come to grips with that first. In addition, the blind packaging, the common, rare, and super rare figures are all geared towards trading… Unless you have a bunch of buddies that are into the game or collecting the pieces, it's just going to be a difficult collection to complete. And yes, that difficulty is designed to sell more booster packs, but so are a lot of games like this. I'm into these as well, my kids and I have a lot of fun playing, but it has been difficult (and costly) to track down complete sets. I guess if you're ready for that challenge the reward is all the more satisfying, but if it just doesn't seem like fun maybe it's time to focus on another part of the line.

As for Hasbro placing Series 1 figures into Series 2 booster packs, not gonna happen (at least not that I've seen so far). At this point your best chance to complete that Series 1 set is to hit eBay. Would Hasbro release a complete Series 1 mega pack? I haven't heard of anything like that being mentioned, I suppose anything is possible, but I wouldn't count on it.

I have been and ever shall be a fan of collecting Star Wars action figures, but today I would like to address a related issue that hopefully I can get some support with. Next year marks the 25th anniversary of Raiders of the Lost Ark, and I am wondering what on earth has prevented Hasbro or anyone to produce some sort of Indiana Jones line of figures other than the cartoony Disney figures??? Well, that's where I need your help and anyone out there who agrees with me! I would like to know how or where to start a "petition" to produce a limited run of figures that Kenner produced in 1981 for Raiders. Now, these figures would be all new sculpts with Super articulation and kick ass accessories! They would also be put on reproductions of the original card backings... just like our beloved VOTC line that totally rocked every Star Wars collectors world. I know I'm probably reaching too hard, but I believe this is an awesome idea and should come to pass! I know quite a few people who would definitely love this to become reality. Anyway, any help would be appreciated... just guide me in the right direction. If anyone out there agrees with me please join my cause... May the Force be with you!!! -Mikeywan (Parma, Ohio)

Well, one major obstacle in getting this accomplished could be Lucasfilm. Years ago Dark Horse had an Indiana Jones comic book series, I was huge fan - loved it - I'm also a considerable Indiana Jones collector… All of a sudden the comic books stopped, when I asked Dark Horse what was up they told me LFL had not allowed them to renew their Indy license. It seemed at the time, most likely, with talk of Indy IV Lucasfilm wanted to 'ice' the property for awhile, at least until they got the new movie off the ground. I've also had the opportunity to ask other Star Wars licensees about the possibility of Indy collectibles. While none have shared any specifics, the impression I get is that Lucasfilm is waiting for the right time (Indiana Jones IV) before allowing Indy product to be made.

Granted, we've seen a few things here and there, the Disney theme park figures, LucasArts games, someone at Comic Con was showing off a beautiful large-scale figure (ala Sideshow ¼ scale…), but I imagine these are all pretty much teasers for the real product campaign. Now, might there be something up for the 25th Anniversary? I suppose/hope there could be. Would I like to see a VOTC style Indiana Jones line? You bet! Heck I'd be happy if Hasbro released a gift set that used the old Kenner molds… Would a petition help kick start the process? At this point I honestly don't think so. There's a very good chance there are product plans for the Indiana Jones franchise that are all tied to the long awaited fourth film. Until a script is approved and shooting schedule laid out, it appears LucasLicensing is content to site tight on any potential Indy product, figuring they'll get a bigger bang once the movie project is in full gear. Once that happens, and a tentative release date is known, something like a petition would probably be more useful to the powers that be. Hopefully that time will come sooner rather than later.

Until next time...

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