Posted by Mark on June 4, 2007 at 12:45 PM CST
Modern Hasbro Vintage collectors, let us hear your voice!  We last asked you about Vintage figures in 2003, before they became a reality.  It's time to get some fresh opinions.  To date (including the 2007 wave), 23 Vintage OTC figures will have been made (plus the George Lucas mail-in).  Where should the Vintage line go next?

1) Of all of the six Star Wars films, which eras do you want to see considered for the Vintage cardback & premium figure treatment?

A.  The Vintage carded format celebrates the entire Saga and should consist of figures from all six films, including important prequel figures like Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, EpI/II Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Asajj Ventress, Clone Trooper, and OTC figures that were never made like Tarkin and Sandtrooper, etc.

B.  The Vintage carded format should consist strictly of figures that were in the original Kenner line only, drawn from Episodes IV, V, and VI.  Vintage is tied to the nostalgic original line and should not encompass the modern films.

2)  As a collector of the modern Vintage line, how far do you want to see the vintage collection eventually go?

A.  I only expect a portion of the characters to be updated in the Vintage format, understanding that the line will not get to all 95 of the original Kenner figures from Episodes IV, V, and VI. For me, it is not important to have every figure updated but only the ones I really care about.

B.  I would like to see the complete Vintage line updated some day, even if it means re-releasing figures in the Vintage format that may not be significant updates if those versions should appear elsewhere first (like R5-D4 or the upcoming 4-LOM, for instance).  For me, the Vintage package style is important and I want to see that continue.

3) If you believe that the Vintage line is important enough to continue to its completion, some figures, such as R5-D4, the aforementioned 4-LOM, and Ewoks such as Chief Chirpa do not command significant updates if at all to bring into the Vintage format....simply packaging.  With a suggested retail price of $9.99, will you be "all-in" or selective in your purchases?

A. I am "all-in."  To see the collection completed, I will pay $9.99 for all characters produced in the Vintage card/clamshell format to complete my collection, including R5-D4, Ewoks, and the like. 

B. I will be selective.  I will continue to pay $9.99 for major character updates but will not pay $9.99 for figures simply released on the Vintage card/clamshell format including R5-D4, Ewoks, etc.

Look for all three Probe Droid ballots now and cast your votes today!
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