STAR WARS: KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC VOLUME 4—DAZE OF HATE, KNIGHTS OF SUFFERINGJohn Jackson Miller (W), Bong Dazo (P), Dustin Weaver (P), Dan Parsons (I), Michael Atiyeh (C), Colin Wilson (Cover)
On sale Sept. 17
FC, 144 pages
TPB, 7" x 10"
Zayne Carrick joins forces with the same Masters who murdered his fellow Padawan in a desperate attempt to save the galaxy from the Mandalorians!
Arkanian Lord Adasca holds the Republic and the Mandalorians hostage, offering a weapon of unrivaled power to the highest bidder, and not even Zayne and his former Master Lucien Draay can stop Adasca from unleashing unthinkable devastation in pursuit of profit. Then, back on Taris, Zayne finds himself allied with Master Raana Tey in a mission against the marauding Mandalorians—but Tey may be more interested in destroying Zayne than she is in saving the planet!
• A great starting point for anyone interested in following the Star Wars saga beyond the films.

John Jackson Miller (W), Alan Robinson (A), and Michael Atiyeh (C/Cover)
On sale July 23
FC, 40 pages
Zayne Carrick, a fugitive Padawan accused of the murder of his fellow students, is on his way to the authorities in hope of clearing his name, shedding light on the Jedi Masters who framed him, and revealing the covert order to which they belong. But reaching the right people without facing off against his former masters is proving to be more difficult than Zayne imagined! Success is going to require help from every true friend Zayne has garnered in his long quest for justice.
The secret Jedi Covenant is on the brink of exposure!

STAR WARS LEGACY #26John Ostrander (W), Jan Duursema (P), Dan Parsons (I), Brad Anderson (C), and Omar Francia (Cover)
On sale July 23
FC, 40 pages
The Galaxy is in shreds from Darth Krayt’s lesson in obedience. Cade Skywalker has resolved that this Sith Emperor must be stopped, not only to free himself and his friends from being hunted—but to save the Galaxy from further punishment. And he can’t do it alone!
Cade travels to a “secret” Jedi Temple to acquire help from additional Jedi, but his arrival may bring other dangers that do not originate with Darth Krayt . . .
This is the future of Star Wars, the continuation of the story that started in the original trilogy, and none of it has been seen before.

STAR WARS: REBELLION #15—VECTOR part 7 (of 12)
Rob Williams (W), Dustin Weaver (A), Wil Glass (C), and Travis Charest (Cover)
On sale July 30
FC, 40 pages
The biggest Star Wars event of 2008 has reached the Rebellion era. Now, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Chewie will have to deal with “Vector” as it crosses their paths and changes the galaxy!
It has been twenty years since Darth Vader’s encounter with the power of the Muur Talisman. As the power of the Rebellion grows, Vader’s thoughts turn to the ancient Sith relic: though he was unable to harness its power, might it be used as a weapon against the enemies of the Empire?
Luke and Leia are walking into a trap, one which may close on both sides!

Rob Williams (W), Steve Scott (P), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Tony Harris (Cover)
On July 30
FC, 40 pages
Indiana Jones continues to uncover clues that point to a discovery unlike any other while his enemies attempt to silence him forever in part two of Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods!
For Dr. Henry Jones Jr., impossible odds and death-defying escapes are all in a day’s work, but when rumors of an ancient artifact of unthinkable power prove to be more than simply legend, Hitler’s legions of evil redouble their efforts to destroy the do-good Professor Jones before he foils their ambitions for global domination once again!
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