Posted by Jay on October 24, 2007 at 10:11 AM CST
30th Anniversary Collection 9 Dark Times 6 Knights of the Old Republic 21

Today look for the 9th hardcover book in the 30th Anniversary Collection. This edition features everyone's favorite bounty hunter, Boba Fett in Death, Lies and Treachery. This book reprints the first three Boba Fett one-shots, now bound in the beautiful hardcover edition. You can but it for $24.95.

Dark Times #6 is also on the stands. This title starts the second story arc, "Parallels" and features the return of K'Kruhk, the whipid Jedi from the Clone Wars. Oh, and it looks like he still has his freakin'-sweet hat!

Finally, Knights of the Old Republic #21, which concludes the arc called "Daze of Hate" features Zayne and his ex-Master Lucien having to escape from Lord Adasca and the Mandalorians. Oh, this is not going to end well.