Hello there,
Rebelscum fans! This week on the site, we’re looking at one of the most prominent planets from the prequel trilogy, Padme Amidala’s homeworld of Naboo. If you haven’t already, make sure to check out our “
Expand Your Mind” article first to read up on why the planet is so important within the franchise. Just make sure to stay tuned throughout the week for more articles, insights, videos, and information on the best merchandising content that you’ll want to get your hands on!

Naboo was thoroughly fleshed out in the prequels, but it's a site that was frequently returned to throughout the Expanded Universe and
The Clone Wars. While the planet may seem peaceful from the offset, the Mid Rim world would rarely appear when it wasn’t being threatened by a new evil. Here are some of our trivia Force Facts about Naboo.

- In one of the funniest sketches from the Robot Chicken specials lampooning the saga, a young Palpatine decides to go into politics after devising a plan to harvest and pave out a Gungan stash of eggs. “They breed like yuppies,” the future Sith says.

- The Villa Del Balbianello On Lake Como in Italy isn’t only where Anakin and Padme begin dating in Attack of the Clones, but an important location in the James Bond franchise. Daniel Craig finally utters the phrase “My name is Bond, James Bond” in Casino Royale at the end of the film, where he visits the castle to get revenge for his lover’s murder.

- Footage of Naboo celebrating the Emperor’s death was included in Return of the Jedi for the 2004 DVD re-release. A Gungan yells “Wesa free!,” but it's been confirmed that it was not Jar Jar.

- In Legends, it's said that the Naboo Army was formed a century before The Phantom Menace in order to thwart off Gungans when there was still tension between the two species.

- The Gungans themselves would often break into conflict, as before their unification the varying clans were frequently at war.

- Although Captain Tarpals is killed in The Clone Wars, he almost perishes in the Star Wars Tales comic short aptly named “The Death of Captain Tarpals.”

- The battle droid that Jar Jar pushes over when the army is deactivated at the end of The Phantom Menace is numbered “1138,” a reference to George Lucas’s first film THX-1138 from 1971.

- Former Jedi padawan Ferus Olin visits Naboo after Order 66 in the Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi book Death on Naboo to face the Dark-sided Valorum.

- The non-canon Star Wars Tale short “George R. Binks” tells the comical story of Jar Jar’s father, a proud businessman who is embarrassed by his oafish son.

- In the third season of the classic Star Wars: Clone Wars, Anakin celebrates his promotion knighthood on Naboo with Padme, where it is implied that Luke and Leia are conceived.
What do you think,
Rebelscum fans? What are some trivia facts you know about Naboo? Did any of our Force Facts surprise you?
Let us know in the forums, and as always, may the Force be with you!
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