Posted by Philip on September 4, 2006 at 10:14 PM CST
During the past year collectors have submitted well over 200 updates to the Kellerman matrices for the carded figure Front-Back Combinations and for the Proof Cards. There has even been a new 12-Back Front-Back Combination that surfaced and is now identified in the matrices.

Front-Back Combinations Matrix (updated: V1.16 August 25, 2006)
Proof Card Combinations Matrix (updated: V1.01 April 17, 2006)

The Front-Back Combination matrix identifies all known card back combination for each character and the Proof Card Listing identifies the card back combinations and proof card type known for each character. The card Front and Back identification used in the matrices are found only in the Kellerman book, Star Wars Vintage Action Figures: A Guide for Collectors, available from

Because these matrices are the most complete source for this information, many Rebelscum use the charts for their collecting interests and/or character focus. Considering all of the “focus” collectors I’m sure there are many combinations in collections that have not been submitted for updates to the matrices. While the charts will never be “complete” there is fair amount of material in RS collections that can readily be updated.

This is an appeal for collectors to submit any updates you may have for updating the matrices. These updates can be submitted to Instructions for submitting new items is contained on the Kellerman Book Matrices page here at Rebelscum.

Thanks... John Kellerman
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