Posted by Mark on November 2, 2004 at 04:32 PM CST
Questions for November 2, 2004
Q&A Archive

Ten more questions, plus one bonus question, and plenty of more emails to go through. Thanks to all that took the time to write in, I'll be sure to get right to work on the next update just as soon as possible. Until then, keep those cards and letters comin'!

On with the show:

I was on eBay and I saw the OTC Luke figures... there are regular with backpack and a handstand one. Are they two totally different ones (have to buy each variant to get both poses) or according to Rebelscum archives, the fig comes with 2 different sets of head and arms. I wanted to open it but I wanted the headstand pose to display, but I don't know which one to buy. Please fill me in! -jamie

Jamie, these are the exact same figures, with all the same accessories, the only difference is that they are displayed differently in the package. Hope that was the answer you were looking for.

I have a strange question for you...recently I was looking at the KEBCO website (I got the link from and noticed that at this time you can pre-order the Episode 3 Preview figures. There was a wookie, Sly Moore, and I can't remember the others right now. I don't remember hearing or seeing anything about these Preview figures before now...have you heard any rumors at any of the cons or is KEBCO just jumping the gun at this time? Any information you have to clearing this up would be cool. -Jordan Herzog

It seems KEBCO, and a few other on-line retailers have gotten a little confused by some of the Internet rumors floating around. Not that Hasbro helped the situation by calling these their Pre-Episode III assortments, but the wave of figures that include Sly Moore, Yarua, and Pablo Jill is NOT the Episode III Preview wave. According to the Hasbro presentation at Comic Con, the Episode III Preview wave will fall after the Cantina wave, slated for early 2005. So, while some sites are advertising the '05 Coruscant wave as "Preview" figures, don't be fooled.

My question concerns the 6-figure Millennium Falcon Crew set that is to be a Sam's Club exclusive. Is it to be attached to the OTC Falcon box or will it be a separate box? I hope it is the latter. I already bought the OTC Falcon. I would like to get the Crew set because it is the first time all six figures have been together in the same package (as far as I know). Also, it brings back memories of Han, Chewie, Ben, Luke, 3PO and R2 all together in the Falcon. By the way, I like the new OTC Falcon with hyperspace lights and detailed pictures on the back of the box (I collect MISB). However, I was disappointed Hasbro did not make the box with a window on the front. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way. But all of the other OTC vehicles have some sort of window: TIE Fighter, X-Wing, Y-Wing, Boba with Slave I, Darth with TIE Advance x1 and the Sandcrawler. -Scott

While the "crew" package for the Sam's Club set is a separate piece, it is firmly secured to the OTC Falcon package. While you might be able to separate the two (it looks like they just used A LOT of tape) they are not sold separately. Why no window box for the Falcon? Could you possibly image the number of complaints from those that couldn't find a mint set? You know, it's probably a combination of things, including cost and box integrity, but I think most collectors would agree it's better they went with a standard package this time.

Dropped family off to the airport last week, and was able to do some figure hunting. I discovered that 3 of the 4 Target stores I went to (Seattle metro area) had different pricing from 2.48, & 4.99, to 6.99 per figure (my local store happened to be the most expensive). Any idea why this might be?

I was pleased to find OTC on the shelves and new Playskool at Kmart, but noticed that 3 TRU stores have put POTJ figures back out. Perhaps this is part of why we have been getting such odd distribution.

Lastly, I went on-line to research helmet differences between the old and new Tie Fighter Pilot, and discovered variations of silver paint schemes. I then watched the movie, and sure enough there they were! Was this just to enhance contrast of filming, or do differences in silver paint schemes signify something greater?

Can't wait for the new cantina figures announced at Comic Con! -Blackleader

Target stores tend to price differently depending on demand and competition. While it's not uncommon to see two different prices on the same product, what you described sounds more like stores caught between resets, or a price cut. It's possible the store priced at $2.50 just had a lot of overstock and cut price to move inventory. The other two stores sound more like standard regional price levels. Not knowing your neighborhood, I'd guess your local store is probably/maybe in a 'better' part of town? It's all a function of supply and demand…

Yeah, a number of TRU's in my area have put older figures back on the shelf; I would imagine with the DVDs coming out Hasbro/TRU saw this as a good opportunity to move some overstock.

If I take your question correctly, the differences between each film are most likely a matter of having more time to pay attention to such details. I don't know which films show which versions of helmet, but I would assume the prop/costume department had more time (and/or money) to refine such things as the trilogy progressed. It's fairly common in series films, and quite obvious in the evolution of Vader's costume from A New Hope to Return of the Jedi. I don't imagine there's any more significance than that, though someone in the EU may have created an after-the-fact explanation that I'm not aware of.

You know, with the advent of the VOTC line from Hasbro, I had a thought and could not find anywhere on Hasbro's site that I thought I could send this to.

Here it is...I would like to ask Hasbro if they have intentions of releasing to the general public just the plastic cases that they are packaging the VOTC figures in.

I know we have Star Cases and a couple others out there, but wouldn't it be cool to have the ones available from Hasbro? I like the Rebel and Empire seals at the top, and it would make for great continuity to have all my figures in the same kind of cases.

Besides, I would bet they could make a TON of dough from we collectors who might like it too.

Just a thought; what do you think? Do you know of anyone at Hasbro that I could ask? If you do, and you think the idea has merit...feel free to float it past them.

Most likely someone else has thought about this...but just in case (pardon the pun) I thought I would too.

Warmest regards,
Bruce McGregor

I ran this by Hasbro at Comic Con, didn't really get a big "oh yeah…" out of them. I think at this point, with the various odd sized bubbles and cards and such, it's not high on Hasbro list of cool ideas. I also have to wonder too (as I'm sure Hasbro would), with many collectors already using Star Cases, would those collectors switch to Official Hasbro cases? What if they were priced higher? What if they were of a lesser quality? As much as you or I might take advantage of this, I think Hasbro has some legitimate concerns keeping them out of that end of the market. In actuality, it's probably more appropriate that Star Case pick up the license for official Star Wars branded figure cases, but I don't see that happening either.

Firstly, how does the new Master Replicas AT-AT Walker compare scale-wise with the 3¾" Hasbro line? What I'm wondering is if it is closer in scale to items like the Snowspeeders and basic figures than the Hasbro AT-AT. If so, do you think this might be the way we will see expensive but larger Star Wars items like Jabba's Sail Barge or the Sith Infiltrator for our dioramas?

Secondly, is the Star Wars Battlefront figure only going to be available to US customers or will the promotion be run overseas?

Finally, there was talk of an Endor Biker Scout Army Builder set but I don't think this ever appeared. Is that correct? I hope so as I'd rather they released some Bespin Guards, SA Clone Troopers or SA Stormies before these. -Darkbill

By the measurements floating around, the MR and Hasbro walkers are the same height (about 18" I think…). However, without a doubt, the MR AT-AT is in perfect scale for that height, the Hasbro/Kenner version is most definitely not. Despite being in scale and proportioned at 18", the MR AT-AT is no where near 'in-scale' with the Hasbro Basic Action Figure line, it's still too small. Though it would be nice, I don't image any company, at any price point, will ever produce the larger Star Wars vehicles to the Action Figure scale, they'd just be way too big, and too expensive.

As far as I know the figure has been made available in some overseas markets, though I'm not 100% sure of the details. I'm pretty sure in some markets you could buy it straight up, even without the game.

The Army Builder sets were a product of the old Fan Club under Wizards of the Coast, and as that was sold off to Piazo, the 'program' sort of went to pot. I recall a Biker Scout set being mentioned, but as far as I know it never went any further than that. So far nobody has picked up this theme; a few sites are still selling remainders of the earlier sets, but that's about it. As much as I liked the idea of these sets originally, I'd rather just see better distribution of the standard carded figures. If Hasbro could get more to the shelf, then I don't have to bother with the tightly packed little white boxes. Still at a price savings they're not a complete waste, though I would hope Hasbro could at least offer a few head variants on the human-based figures.

How come Hasbro didn't call the Wol Cabasshite in the Jabba's Court Denizens pack by his correct name, Ghoel? Also, is there any chance that the Sly Moore figure shown at the Comic Con isn't the final product? If it is, I'm really disappointed. The costume doesn't look anything like she did in the film.

Why have there been no cool new Episode I characters made recently? Like Gragra, Jira, Erdan, more Podracers, Kitster, Wald, Edcel Bar Gane, Rayno Vaca, Sei Taria, Tey How.... man the list goes on and on!

And I've been waiting patiently for three characters to be made into the 3 3/4 scale: Dice Ibegon, Tzizvvt, and Cane Adiss (who may never be made). Any chances these obscure characters will be at least considered for action figures? Frankly, I'm surprised Dice wasn't already made. -lowtek

Well, I can truly say with some level of confidence, that Hasbro wouldn't have called Wol Cabashite, Wol Calashite, unless Lucasfilm approved it. As far as I know the name originated from the Decipher CCG card and going over it I have to admit it is not 100% clear to me whether Goel is the character name or the species name. I'll have to differ to LFL, if they say the character is Wol Cabasite, I have to go with that - it wouldn't be the first time something like this was changed though… Yep, the Sly Moore shown at SDCC is the final version; I suppose the figure is as close as Hasbro could get to the character's movie appearance.

It's rather unfortunate, but like many Star Wars fans, it appears the guys at Hasbro see Episode I as a kind of a redheaded stepchild (not that I have anything against red-heads or stepchildren; it's just a colloquialism). Unless they are main characters, we really haven't seen much offered from Episode I in recent years. With the early 2005 waves picking up a few of these characters (Yarua, Amidala Celebration, and Rabé) there's hope this will change, but with Episode III coming up we may not see an opportunity for these characters again until 2006. Hopefully as the movies come to an end Hasbro will take an overall approach to Star Wars and produce a more balanced line of toys. I feel the same as you; there are plenty of good action figures and toys still waiting to be made from Phantom Menace, I certainly hope they get their chance.

I would think, as long as Hasbro is looking at Cantina characters, Tzizvvt probably stands a reasonable chance of being made one day. As for Cane Adiss and Dice Ibegon, they would actually make for better accessories than carded figures. If Hasbro were to do a Cantina themed multi-pack for Toys 'R' Us, I would hope Dice could be included with Lak Sivrak and three other figures. Throw in a rounded section of the bar and I think you've made a lot of collectors VERY happy. Along the same lines, I think Cane would work best in a Jabba's Palace multi-pack, or something like this year's Jabba's Court Ultra set. Short of those ideas, or something similar, I honestly can't see Hasbro ever producing figures of those characters.

I bought OTC Vader #10 this afternoon and was wondering if that is the same Darth Vader that was recalled a couple of months ago. If so why is it back on the market. -Chris Bergquist

As far as I know, that figure was only recalled in Australia. I'm not aware of any issue that would keep it off U.S. or European shelves.

Do you think Hasbro will ever make figures from the KOTOR or Crimson Empire comic series? Will we ever see a return of the highly successful expanded universe line (and I don't mean figures based off artists sketches)? Why was Dice Ibegon (the florn lamproid) not included in either the alien anthology or guide to alien species, and is there any chance at all we might ever see a figure for that character? If there was high enough demand would Hasbro release-perhaps through the fan club-a pipe accessory for Dexter Jester? Shouldn't all figures be available through the fan club and not just the latest ones (that in itself would be enough incentive to join) ? At the very least why doesn't Hasbro re-release some of the harder to find figures through the fan club (Sio Bibble, TC-14, R2-B1, Ephant Mon..) as they did previously with such figures as the Dark Trooper, Space Trooper, and Death Squad Trooper? If I am a fan club member but haven't "upgraded" to Hyperspace status can I still purchase the Hologram Emperor figure? Will the new Scout Trooper be available without purchasing the game?

As much as I'd like to say anything is possible, it's looking highly unlikely Hasbro will stray into these realms of the Expanded Universe. While KOTOR is more recent, there's really very little chance we could see anything prior to 2006, and at that point who knows what kind of support there would be for related product. Without a new follow up game (KOTOR III) I don't think there would be enough there for Hasbro to justify making that move. As for Crimson Empire, I'm afraid we're just too far removed from the comic series for Hasbro to consider a run of action figures. That being said, we'll just have to wait and see how the next few years go. Episode III will mark the final Star Wars movie; I have a hard time seeing Hasbro maintain a line based on movie characters alone. I honestly think at some point Hasbro will have to draw from the EU, we're just going to have to wait and see.

I can't imagine why Dice was omitted from either of those guides, hopefully he will make the second editions, as for a figure he probably makes more sense as a pack-in accessory, or in a Cantina version of the Ultra Jabba's Court Denizens set. Dexter's pipe, I wouldn't hold out much hope for this, unless it came from a bootleg source. The pipe was not shown in the film, thus as far as LFL is concerned it never existed; I doubt they would ever approve such an offer.

I firmly believe action figure distribution should be left to retail, there's no good reason I can think of to put that burden on the Fan Club. Previous Fan Clubs have tried to manage toy distribution, and in the end it has been a killer. One or two exclusive figures is one thing, buying into the entire product line is just not what they're there for. As for Hasbro making hard to find figures available again, I think they've set themselves up to do that already. The TRU multi-packs are a prime format for Hasbro to put rare figures back in the market; they just have to take advantage of it. The problem with this is they won't be on original cards, but at this point there's really no chance Hasbro would go back, put these figures into production, and release them on original cards, it's just not going to happen. In cases where this has happened before, the figures were already produced and literally just sitting around. I don't think that's the case with the figures you mentioned, from what I understand production runs for those were abbreviated, and they were most likely fully distributed - despite the fact they were hard to find at retail.

Though Hyperspace members were given a head start, the Hologram Emperor is available to non-members at I thought I had heard LucasArts would be offering the Scout Trooper separately, but so far I haven't seen any kind of follow up. I'll see what I can find out…

I have a question about the Fiberglass Vader helmet by Rubies. I keep reading that the helmet is warped, in particular the dome. It seems like every picture I see there does appear to be some warping to the right side of the dome but I can't exactly tell. Also the color scheme is wrong again. Why doesn't Rubies fix this, everybody complained when Don Post made this exact same helmet with the same wrong scheme (for the price I would imagine they could get it right). It seems to me that Rubies always wants to put the least amount of effort possible towards producing these helmets, the helmets always appear to be direct knock offs of Don Post's less than beautiful work. Could you let me know what your impression of this helmet is before I spend $800+ on something I may not be pleased with.

Interesting, as strict as I know the approval process with LFL can be, I'm very surprised to hear the color scheme on the Rubies helmet is incorrect. I suppose it's possible the mask is based on a version of the helmet fan's are not immediately familiar with, but I'd have to ask Rubies about that. As far as my impression of the helmet, I was impressed, but not enough so to put it on my must have list. I guess what I'd really like, but will probably never see, is a full size helmet given the same treatment Riddell gave their line of mini-helmets. I know something like that would probably cost an arm and a leg, and in actuality not be prop-accurate, but I'm just funny that way. My advice, if you're not at all comfortable with dropping $800 on the helmet, then hold off until you have a chance to see it first hand. For that kind of money you should be absolutely sure of what your getting before parting with your cash.

This question isn't Star Wars related but I do remember you saying that you were psyched for the Predator props by Master Replicas. My question is [now] that Master Replicas has removed the Predator helmet from their web site, have you heard if this item has been canceled?

While I've enjoyed the Predator films, I don't recall having been that excited about the props; I barely have enough room now for all the Star Wars props… Still, from what I understand the Predator helmet is not part of any current release plan. We'll just have to wait and see what Master Replicas plans to do with this item.

Until next time...

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