Posted by Nick on February 2, 2020 at 06:15 PM CST
As a heads up there are going to be spoilers in this review. We won't go into all the details but a broad brush, which will require discussing the source material.

For those not familiar with this story, it is a collection of four tales of four different points of view about interactions with Luke Skywalker. While these are canonical tales, some of the elements may be open to exaggeration and interpretation, hence the "legends" aspect of the title. This differs from the novel version as these are not told second-hand by the children of Canto Bight. There are also only four tales collected here instead of the six in the novel. The overarching story of children debating whether the stories are real or not is also missing. This is purely about the "legends" themselves.

What stood out about the book immediately is that all the illustrations are in black and white. This may be deliberate to give it the story more of a flashback or dreamlike depiction of events. Honestly it worked really well, these really did feel like accounts of something from time past rather than a story in progress.

The time setting for these stories seems to take place in a post-Return of the Jedi environment, with the exception of one story that happens concurrently. This is a time period where we have seen few stories emerge from, especially ones that discuss Luke. The stories provided some additional perspective on the galaxy post-Empire and did a little world building. It's an easy read that you could accomplish in an afternoon and is easily kid friendly but adult fans are sure to enjoy it as well because it will give you a few wow moments with some of the fan servicing it does.

The book chose some interesting points of view as well: an imperial gunner, a droid, a flea, and a biology student. While these appear to be some odd choices for a point of view, these characters led us to places we have not been to with Luke before and also helped avoid creating continuity issues in places we have been. Expect to travel to a world from the sequel trilogy, see a very creative disguise (that would make and awesome action figure), gain a new perspective on the iconic rancor fight, and encounter a favorite creature who had little screen time but subverted our imaginations. These moments do well to connect to the films and provide some world buildings with different aspects wishing the Star Wars universe like the Empire, fringe criminal elements, and civilians who are just trying to live their lives, for example complete their educational studies.

This book provides both fun in entertainment in a simple format and quick way to absorb the information. The price point make it fair and attractive and it will be an excellent addition to both fans of illustrated novels and Star Wars lore enthusiasts. We could only hope that we see more stories in the Star Wars universe getting a manga adaptation.

You can purchase your own copy from your favorite retailer of manga including Amazon and Barnes & Noble for $14.99.

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