Posted by D. Martin on May 20, 2002 at 12:00 AM CST
Without a doubt, the entire community has spent much of this long weekend in a nice dark air conditioned, albeit overly packed, theater enjoying almost two and a half of the finest Star Wars hours ever put to screen. Personally speaking, the advent of Attack Of The Clones left me tongue-tied and single-minded, and finally after four viewings am I able to string more than two coherent thoughts. Needless to say, my Television hasn’t been on since Wednsday (writer’s note –my TV is hardly ever really on…) as I’m sure was the case for most everyone else on this ultimate weekend of living Star Wars.

Sadly, as with all ‘events’, this too will fade away shortly as the Star Wars Generation recaptures their lives. In the not too distant future The SWGen will once more put their Swanson’s instant microwave dinners on their portable mini tables and reach for their remote controls. Just in time to catch some syndicated Fraiser rerun… and things will mellow down again until May 2005.

Even in the down time between episodes, the majority of the SWGen still enjoy vicariously living Star Wars throughout their daily life, and with that in mind we look at the coolest Star Wars collectible a couch pilot could ever wish to have and/or operate.

Released in 1997 by Kash ‘N’ Gold, this replica of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber is more than a simple toy; it’s the user’s key to commanding their entertainment center with the power of the force. Though it was designed to be as accurate as possible, the Universal Remote Lightsaber, packed not with midi-chlorians, but instead with three AAA batteries, not only looked great; it worked on cable, TV, VCR, and even had built-in compatibility for digital satellite TV systems!

What’s more, this Lightsaber generates authentic sound effects on all its keys. So it’s plain to see how essential this piece is to complete your living room Jedi costume (Just try denying that you’re wearing a clip on Padawan braid right now…)