Posted by Mark on June 21, 2006 at 04:30 PM CST

Questions for June 21, 2006
Q&A Archive

I am a huge fan of Ralph McQuarrie's conceptual drawings from the classic trilogy. Given the popularity of the Ralph McQuarrie concept Stormtrooper figure from a few years ago, is there any possibility that we might get Hasbro to give us (at long last) a concept line including a McQuarrie Vader, R2-D2, C-3PO, and others? I think Hasbro is missing the boat by not exploring this idea as an entirely new action figure wave. Please pass this on to Hasbro. If they make them, we will buy them! -Christopher R. (New York City)

There's always the possibility that Hasbro will revisit this theme, and with word that they're looking at more EU sources for possible figures, the chances are probably better than ever before. I wouldn't necessarily expect them to create an entire wave of figures based on the concept art, but a few here and there throughout the year or even over the next couple years, would certainly be well within expectations. At this point there's been no official indication Hasbro is looking in this direction, but if you look at how well the Concept Stormtrooper did, it stands out as one of the more viable sources. If fans start to talk about some of these characters on-line, and enough people at the cons mention they'd like to see more of these particular figures, I'd say the chances get even better. As soon as there's word on this we'll let our readers know, until just keep talking it up in the forums or at the cons.

Did we ever confirm that if you ordered the Star Wars Defense of the Galactic Senate Battle Pack from that it was in fact the Hunt for Grievous Battle Pack? Is there a chance that the order could be cancelled by -Chris W.

Yes, it was finally confirmed, but it still looks like Amazon is canceling all these orders. Not having to do with the double listing, but word now on the situation indicates the split between Amazon and Toys 'R' Us is the hold up. A few readers that have spoken with various TRU employees have been told that once the independent TRU site is up and running on-line orders for the Hunt For Grievous set will be honored. At this point I have no idea if they have some how saved all the order information or if they just plan to re-list the item, but it should be available on-line eventually. In the meantime, the sets are showing up at the traditional retail stores, if you can't wait for Toys 'R' Us to get their on-line act together you might as well start hunting the old fashion way.

Do you think there will be any more Star Wars figures released in the OTC packaging? I say this with last years Wedge Exclusive figure in mind. -Ian

Now that the package style has gone to a more all-inclusive design, I doubt we'll see anymore OTC style cardbacks. The exclusive Wedge figure got the OTC treatment for the basic reason that it made zero sense to put him on the prequel Revenge of the Sith style card. Since OTC was the last style used, and it was more fitting with a trilogy character, that's what Hasbro went with. Now that the current design is more accommodating of all six movies (and the EU), any kind of exclusive figure Hasbro may come up with would most likely be carded on a Saga Collection style cardback. That's what makes the most sense, though I guess anything is possible, I think it's safe to say we can finally consider our OTC collection complete.

Has anyone suggested a new 3¾" high-end version of Han in carbonite? They could do a new detailed version that encases Han on both sides (similar to the one included with the Slave 1 vehicle). They could also do one with little LED's that light up the panels on the side of the carbonite block. I still want a C-3P0 that lights up in one piece. They did a C-3PO that was disassembled that lighted up but an assembled version would be more fun. Also, the ROTS figures have bases that seem to interlock. Do they interlock? Has anyone taken pictures of any bases interlocking to form a larger base? -Jeremy B

I'm sure it's been suggested, I know I've dropped a few hints here and there in the Q&A; is Hasbro listening, we don't know. Looking at the idea from Hasbro's standpoint, it really isn't an action figure - it's more like a block of plastic. Considering that, what I'd like to see them do is bag the 'action figure' idea completely, and just concentrate on making the best "accessory" possible. Light up panels would be cool, maybe even a red glowing Han Solo to simulate the beginning of the melting process… I'd love to see one with some kind of stand that allows fans to recreate the scene where he's escorted to Slave 1 by Fett and the Bespin Guards. I also think it's high time Hasbro works up a little alcove playset to display the frozen Han as he appeared at Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi. This could maybe be part of the 'build as you go' type playset they've recently been talking about in their Q&A updates… Anyway, yes it would be cool to see them produce a high-end carbonite block; I will mention it at Comic Con, no idea if they'll bite.

Another agreement here, I'd take a C-3PO with light-up eye in a heart beat (I'd also like a super articulated Episode I and Episode II 3PO…), but I wonder if that might be going to far and expecting it to be vac-metalized as well. The accessory that came with the Cloud City Capture Chewbacca was essentially cast in gold plastic, not the greatest looking 3PO that's come down the line. It still might be cool, even if it turns out to be a trade off, but there's no telling if Hasbro is even considering such a move. Time will tell.

Yes, most of the bases do interlock, though they don't necessarily create any type of environment. While I guess you can make a case for some of the terrain type bases, the floor (or hallway) type bases have that wall portion that breaks up any kind of a continuous surface. I don't recall seeing any images of the bases attached to one another, probably because they don't really make anything worth mentioning, but if anyone writes in I'll post an update. Some of the bases do attach to other toys, like the Rebuild Vader Operating Table and the Mustafar Playset, but I don't think that's exactly what you were looking for.

I've got a problem I wanted to know if you could help me with. When moving I lost the lightsaber to my Episode I 12" Qui-Gon Jinn. I wanted to know if you knew anyway to get a replacement. -Chris V.

You could always try, but at this point I wouldn't think Hasbro Customer Service could help you with this problem. It may take time and patience, but you could search eBay for a replacement lightsaber, or just search for a loose complete Qui-Gon and get it that way. Short of that I think this could turn out to be quite a hunt. Typically loose accessories can be found at swap meets or conventions, you may want to check with some of the comic shops in your area to see if they sell loose figures and parts too. It can be a tough thing when you loose a part to any toy, especially one that's been out of production for a while; unfortunately there isn't an easy, one stop shop, answer. Best of luck to you, and if you happen to come across a McQuarrie Stormtrooper blaster please let me know.

In the Galactic Heroes Line do you know of any plans of a Qui-Gon Jinn figure or maybe any Gungans, or maybe (heaven forbid!) a Jar Jar Binks figure that might [be] in the production plans? -daryl

As much as I wish I could say I do, I've heard of no plans to make either of these figures. It sure would be nice to see something new added to this line; it seems all Hasbro has been willing to do lately is crank out re-packs and re-paints. Hopefully we'll see something ("anything") new at Comic Con, but it may not be until 2007 before we finally see Qui-Gon and Jar Jar; if the line is still around that is…

As far as I know, the Vintage Saga Collection Biker Scout is the first version of this character that has articulated forearms/wrists. I was thinking that the Speeder Bike that came with the Blue carded Deluxe Clone Trooper would be a good match with this new fig because it had the more movie accurate horizontal handlebars. But before I go hunting down that 25-30 dollar Deluxe Speeder Bike, do you know if anyone has tried putting the Vintage Saga scout on one?

Well, I've tried it, and aside from the fact that the figure can't quite sit all the way down in the seat, it looks pretty good. To really pull the effect off Hasbro needs more articulation in the hip joints, something that will allow the figure to spread its legs out a bit more. Everything else works pretty well; the hand placement is good, the head tilts up enough, and the articulation in the knees really helps the figure 'hook' into place. All in all I'd say it's worth tracking down one of those old Deluxe Episode II sets, but it would be even better if Hasbro found a way to make a real Return of the Jedi version (with a few upgrades) available. Obviously the handlebar issue has been addressed, for the effort I'd really like to see movie accurate foot pedals with pegs for the rider, and a ball and socket display stand (Endor terrain base with clear support rod) so that we can display these "in action." Keep the 'exploding' feature if they can; just make the thing look as movie accurate as possible. Any way, no word on anything like that yet, next year could be a time for it, but we'll have to wait and see.

Some Star Wars figures have detachable heads that fasten to a bulb at the top of the neck. Why doesn't Hasbro make all of the "neck bulbs" the same size? You could come up with some interesting figures.

I would imagine the size of the 'bulb' has something to do with the size and characteristics of the head sculpt, but I can't think of anything that would necessarily prevent Hasbro from standardizing this joint (if they wanted to) and give fans the option of swapping heads on most all of their figures. There might be some restrictions as far as marketing their figures in this fashion; this would lean towards a building type toy and may infringe on the LEGO license, but if they just did it as a manufacturing practice and let fans figure it out for themselves it could be a huge plus for customizers. Add to that interchangeable hands, legs, arms, virtually any limb or joint, and you'd really have something there, wouldn't you… (hint, hint ;)

Why, with all the clone trooper variants, has the elite (marine) clone trooper not seen production in the toy line? -Jack

Assuming you mean the troopers under Bacara's command: I would like to think it's because Hasbro is waiting to do something more with this figure than just a simple repaint of the classic Snowtrooper, but your guess is as good as mine. I'm sure Hasbro saw this character well before fans saw them in the movie. You could say Hasbro had the Clones pretty well covered in 2005, maybe didn't have time to get this figure made, but it should have been possible for 2006. The good news is, per Hasbro's recent Q&A, they have set an early 2007 release for a "Bacara's" elite trooper, so it's now just a matter of time.

I heard last year that there was suppose to be a Padmé in her snowsuit from the Clone Wars cartoon. This was supposed to be a Target exclusive. Any more word on this figure?

So far no news on the rumored Clone Wars 'Snow Bunny' Padmé. This was indeed mentioned last year, but at this point it looks as if any plans that might have been in the making may have been held up. She was one of the candidates in the Toy Fare magazine poll, could be Hasbro just decided to hold off on her until those results were final. Could just as easily be this was an erroneous rumor from the beginning… One things for sure, by now Hasbro must be aware of the incredible fan interest in seeing this figure made, they have alluded to a number of Clone Wars based figures for 2007 (realistic style) so it's probably just a matter of time before we can add her to our collections.

Until next time...

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