Posted by Mark on October 10, 2005 at 04:55 PM CST
Questions for October 10, 2005
Q&A Archive

Sadly I didn't pre-order the Covert Ops Clone Trooper. I thought I had some time, but when I decided to order it, the figure was no longer available. Do you guys know where I can find it? Case Fresh will have it, but they are in Australia. I know I can always get them on eBay, but a fixed price would be great. -Ramses4l

Despite having been removed from the StarWarsShop website, the Covert Ops Clone Trooper is not completely sold out. I emailed them last week and was told they have pre-sold the amount of figures they 'estimate' will arrive in mint condition. Once their shipment arrives and they fill all preorders, they will see what they have left and sell them accordingly. If more mint condition figures arrive than estimated they will be sold as such, anything else will be sold as less than mint. At this point if price is a concern I'd suggest waiting for to re-list the figure, otherwise Case Fresh, Action HQ or another offshore online dealer may be the way to go.

I was wondering what the possibility was of Hasbro releasing an Episode II Jedi Starfighter in their new larger Titanium Series line?

I've seen pictures of the prototype that was never in full production a few years back (for the then Action Fleet line) and now that they are apparently happy with the results of the new Titanium lines (small and, hopefully, large) and since they obviously have the model/molds of the Jedi Starfighter on hand in this scale (Action Fleet) would they consider finally putting them into full production? They could do Obi-Wan's Episode II fighter and Plo Koon's Episode III fighter.

And while I am asking about the Episode II Jedi Starfighters, what about the possibility of the new Episode III Jedi Starfighter?

They can make one mold and paint out at least 4 color schemes: Obi-Wan & Anakin (opening Coruscant assault) and then Obi-Wan (Utapau assault) & Anakin (Mustafar assault), then they could do a purple color scheme for Mace Windu and who knows how many possible color combinations for all the other Jedi!! -Rob McCartney

I would think the possibilities are actually pretty good. As you point out Hasbro did have an Action Fleet vehicle ready to go, so it makes sense that they could use the tooling for that toy to create new tooling for the die-cast line. Because of the different materials used in the molding process, Hasbro can't simply use the Action Fleet molds (for plastic) for the Titanium Series (metal) line. However, replicating one set of molds for the other line is still less expensive than creating all new ones from scratch. Hopefully if they do move forward with an Episode II Jedi Starfighter, they'll find a way to include the Hyperdrive Ring as well; the Fine Molds model was very impressive, it would be nice to see Hasbro follow their lead.

The chances for an Episode III Jedi Starfighter are probably better than the Episode II version, simply for the fact that Revenge of the Sith is still so fresh in everyone's minds. From what was glimpsed at Comic Con we know a Droid Tri-fighter is coming and I believe an ARC-170 was also mentioned. As Episode III vehicles go the Jedi fighter makes more sense than anything else, we'll just have to wait and see what Hasbro does. If they do move forward with an Episode III Jedi fighter you know full well that Hasbro knows what can be done, color-wise. We've seen all four movie versions in the 3¾" line, there's no doubt in my mind they take advantage of that in the Titanium Series as well. Would they do a purple Clone Wars edition? Only time will tell.

I was curious if you know if we are going to see more Tarkins hitting the pegs? I have had a real hard time finding this figure, I can't believe that Hasbro is making the figure of such minor character in the film so darn difficult to find. I was hoping that more of them would show up with the final 12 but I have already located half of them and still no Tarkin, what gives? Speaking of the final 12,I can't believe that Hasbro would pollute the toy aisles with more peg warmers, we are still having hordes of Wookiee warriors and Neimoidian guards and then Hasbro goes and just repaints them and puts them out AGAIN!! Where is a new Padmé' figure or another Mace, if they want to repaint and redistribute a figure how about a repainted Emperor fig and call him a Senate battle Sidious? Well, I really hope that the SAGA 2 line has more potential to it for new characters, but judging from what I saw of the Carkoon wave it looks like we are off to the same game. If Hasbro is aiming this new line towards collectors as they keep saying, how's about making some figs that we really want? -Daryl Beck (Post Falls, Id)

More Tarkin figures should appear soon, the figure is packed one per case in one of the wave 6 revisions. He may not be all that much easier to find, but if you're quick at least you have a chance. As for the re-paints, I still think Hasbro was caught short when it came to the ROTS line. It certainly looks like the original plan was go strong with ROTS through the summer, and then launch the Sage Collection in the fall. We can see a mix of other products out there now, Battle Packs, Evolutions sets, Target's TIE Fighter, that all lean to the notion that we should be in a mixed line at this point. However, Revenge of the Sith was a huge hit, the toys sold extremely well (sold out in some cases), if the demand is out there why not take advantage of that and keep it the ROTS product going. Trouble is, if they didn't plan to have more ROTS figures, Hasbro only option would be to re-paint what they already have in order to support the other toys. Again it's just a theory, but it explains why we're not getting Commander Cody, Senate Duel Sidious, or any other new figures in these last couple assortments.

The new Saga Collection should provide Hasbro a chance to work in a few new characters here and there. It looks like we can expect a mix of all new figures and some older figure repaints. I'm not completely dissatisfied with the Battle of Carkoon wave; looks like we'll get three 'new' figures, one new on card figure (Barada), and two re-cards. Would I have been happier with a Weequay Skiff Master figure, sure but overall I think the assortment makes sense. The true test will be what the other waves contain. I'm all for Hasbro using what they have to their advantage, but if we start to see fewer and fewer new sculpts and new characters, collectors will quickly loose interest.

I just recently started checking out Rebelscum, and am becoming a big fan. Speaking of fans... I've always loved the ewoks, and own all vintage and recent action figures, as well as the ewok village. So my question is will Hasbro put out some new ewok figures next year? Will the saga collection put out an ewok battle scene with perhaps 4-5 more warriors? I'm also curious about a Chief Chirpa figure, and I have heard rumors about an ewok warrior 2-pack with a catapult and a female ewok with a wokling... any truth to these rumors? One last question would be how can fans such as I contact Hasbro and ask about ewok figures so they'll know they're in demand? -Gergo

I certainly hope we see a few more Ewoks this year. Nothing has been confirmed, but if I were Hasbro, looking to keep newly found 'young' collectors interested in the line, I'd probably throw a couple Ewoks out there just for good measure. If nothing else they make for an interesting link to the Kashyyyk battle in Revenge of the Sith. Chief Chirpa has been in and out of the rumor mill a few times now; vintage fans would probably love to see Hasbro finally update this figure, no word though. An Ewok Warrior army builder could be cool, same mold, couple different paint jobs, few different accessories… The Ewok Catapult made a few rumor lists a couple years back, that's not a bad idea. Heck, even a Deluxe Ewok 3-pack would probably be welcome at this point. I wouldn't hold out much hope for a re-release of the Ewok Village Playset, or Battle Wagon, but you never know…

As for getting the point across to Hasbro; call customer service, email customer service, and keep bugging the guys in the Hasbro booth at Comic Con or any other such show. Hasbro will only respond as long as fans are asking for this stuff. If you don't keep asking, they'll just keep making Tatooine Lukes…

The new Pit of Carkoon wave does not look that bad. That being said, why no Barada with red pants? Movie consistent as well, plus a nice nod to the vintage line. Or is this just another leftover overproduced repacked figure? Why no Klaatu Palace Guard? He is one of the few vintage line figures that survives in my modern line orientated dioramas. A nice modern version (with the furry skirt thing of course) would be a real collector pleaser. Even a non-removable helmet would be ok. But maybe Hasbro is saving them for a Jabba's Palace wave with Hermi Odle, Yarna D'Al Gargan (finally released!), Sgt. Doallyn (black and white variants) and to top it off a super articulated Oola. -Anton Hakvoort

Obviously Hasbro must have a production photo of a 'Barada' in this particular outfit. While a color scheme that reflected the vintage figure would have been fun, I'm reasonably satisfied with the deco upgrade to this figure originally released in the Skiff Guard Cinema Scene. Klaatu is another figure fan's have been asking to see updated. As you point out, I'm not sure if it would necessarily work in a Carkoon based line up, or if Hasbro would hit all the figures you mention in one shot, but I have faith Hasbro will get around to a new Klaatu eventually.

Are the Early Bird figs from Wal*Mart arriving in regular mail or UPS? -Skylurch

As far as I know they are arriving by regular mail.

Simple question: Is the Target exclusive "Clone attack on Coruscant" actually based on characters from the film? Or is it EU? The back of the pack leads you to think it is based on characters from the clone wars animated series, but in the same sentence mentions the execution of "order 66." A little confusing. -TK5870

To the best of my knowledge, the Clone Troopers are based on pre-production renditions of the Clone Army, and not actually seen on screen. I don't recall seeing this design in the Clone Wars series either, looks to me like it's all coming out of the concept work and a little creative license on Hasbro's part. As for the 'Bacara' type commander, that's just the product of a little creative color change. All in all, it's not movie accurate, and it's not Expanded Universe; it's just Hasbro's way of stretching the line for a few pennies more.

UPDATE: Looks like I spoke too soon. A number of readers have written in to let me know these Clones do appear in Revenge of the Sith. The gray trimmed legion can be spotted in the staging area as Yoda meets with Tarfful prior to departing for Kashyyyk. Thanks to all who wrote in!

Is there ever going to be a commander Cody figure, maybe super articulated. He's probably the most important clone in the movie and definitely the coolest. Is Hasbro going to consider making the medic clone on Utapau who says that no one could survive that fall. If Hasbro makes bacara's troopers, do you think they'll repaint the 2004 snowtrooper or will they take the head and put it on a clone trooper body- Clone troopers are cool

Yes, Hasbro has said they will make a Cody figure, stay tuned… As for what appears to be Cody's second in Command (some call him Clone Trooper or Sergeant Fox…not to be confused with Commander Fox who appears to be in the 501st stationed on Coruscant - are you still with me?), I would hope he's on tap as well. There hasn't been any word regarding this figure, but considering it would require a simple helmet re-sculpt, it should be a slam-dunk. Bacara's Troops, though similar, are not quite the same as Empire's Snowtroppers. I would hope if Hasbro planned to release these they would do them right and not just re-paint from the old molds. I'd also like to see these troopers (and a new Snowtrooper sculpt) released with a soft good skirt - Super Articulation would be nice as well. And yes, Clone Troopers are cool!

Sorry this is more of an idea than a question. I see there is much speculation and discussion about the upcoming Star Wars TV series. I for one would love to see the series focus on different side characters for an episode or two giving us their back-story. Along with mixing in some main characters back stories as well. Similar to the Tales From Jabba's Palace, Tales From The Cantina and Tales Of The Bounty Hunters books. I'm sure I and many others would find some of the side characters stories quite interesting. What do you think?

While there are certainly exceptions to every rule, I think it's very difficult these days to have a successful episodic television series without a central character driving the plot. You look at shows like the Twilight Zone and how they were able to introduce new characters and situations every week and be successful and naturally think they could do the same with Star Wars. Unfortunately that model just doesn't seem to work with today's audience. There's certainly a way to bring existing characters into the new SW series and explore them more fully, but those stories would at least have to be tied to a central plot line. If you look at Lucas' other television project, the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, you'll kinda see where I'm coming from. One of the complaints viewers had with that series is that they couldn't keep track; you had two different Indy's, you jumped all over the place as far as when and where he was, it just confused people. While I'm sure fans would dig it, the rest of the viewing public would probably tune out if the series followed the 'Tales From...' model and that's never a good thing. I still think the period between Episodes III and IV offers the most potential, and I think it has to be a 'galaxy at large' series rather than being tied to a particular moisture farm on some galactic backwater, but we'll just have to see what Lucas and Co. finally come up with.

What has happened with Hasbro and the fan choice figures we have not heard anything more about this since the concept storm trooper do they have any plans for another figure even if it is next year in the saga line? -Alan

Hasbro passed on a Fan Choice figure this year because of Episode III. Being a movie year and considering the line was centered on movie characters, they didn't feel there was enough time, or available information out there to make an Episode III Fan poll work. In order to have the figure ready they would have had to poll over a year ago, and at that time fans didn't really know anything about any of the Episode III characters. At that time there was also a very good chance Hasbro could poll for a figure that may have eventually been cut from the movie… The prevailing thought was, let the dust settle on Revenge of the Sith, and hit us with another poll for 2006. As of Comic Con, Hasbro said they were getting ready for a new Fan Choice poll, but so far there's been no word. Hopefully they'll get the ball rolling on this again, I like the idea of fans choosing a figure, and I especially like to see updates on the figure's progress. At its best the process is a fun little way of educating fans and collectors about what goes into the finished product.

Until next time...

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